Friday, February 13, 2009

Beijing trip--December 2008

Forgive us, readers, for we have sinned. It has been about two months since we lasted updated this blog. Gommen! Unfortunately, work and travel commitments being what they are, not to mention the time it takes to edit and organise photos, we won't be able to update as regularly as we like. When we do, you'll hear about it through Facebook.

On Christmas Day 2008 we flew to Beijing. We were with a tour group, we were the only non-Japanese guests, and the tour guides spoke only Japanese and their native Mandarin. We'll let the pictures speak for themselves, but we had a fantastic time, though Emma did end up catching some kind of flu on the way back and was laid up in bed for the following week.

Click here to see the photos. (The tab on the left runs the slideshow.)

I hope, but I won't promise, to put up photos of other trips in the near future.

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